County Responsibilities 448-01-15-10
(Revised 5/1/19 ML #3546)
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IM 5411
The county social service agencies are responsible for the administration of Economic Assistance and Health Care Coverage programs within the guidelines established by the Department. The county social service agencies are responsible for submitting accurate and timely financial and program reports as required by the Department for its direction and supervision of the programs. Counties must also provide information to the public regarding specific programs.
County social service staff are responsible for effective case management consisting of:
- Ensuring contact with applicants or recipients is pleasant and courteous;
- Providing assistance to applicants and recipients in completing necessary forms and obtaining required information to determine initial and ongoing eligibility.
- Determining initial and continued eligibility for assistance programs timely, conducting interviews and verify appropriate information, applying program policy, and the prudent person concept. Only factual information relevant to the determination of eligibility will be requested and entered into the case file;
- Providing the applicant or recipient with program information, benefit information and program requirements using the Application for Assistance Guidebook, program brochures and other available information;
- Providing information and referral services necessary for applicants and recipients to become fully or partially self-sufficient or to resolve other issues;
- Establishing easy access for applicants or recipient to provide information and report changes;
- Ensuring that all reports of changes, complaints, and inquiries are responded to and acted upon promptly and accurately;
- Maintaining and using computer systems for determining eligibility; and
- Utilizing reports generated from eligibility systems to manage caseloads.
- Providing casefile and all other pertinent information required for administrative reviews or audits conducted periodically by federal, state and county staff.
NOTE: State office staff will be responsible for obtaining information from electronic case files if available.
County social service staff who have access to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) information received through a computer match are required to receive initial and annual safeguard training. The training includes IRS and SSA requirements, confidentiality requirements, and the Privacy Act. The training addresses statutes governing the release of such data and penalties for unauthorized access to, or unauthorized disclosure of such data.
The county social service office is responsible to ensure staff complete the training. Staff must take the training upon start of employment and annually thereafter. TECS access will be revoked for failure to complete the annual training in the allotted timeframe. The Department makes this training available through E-Learning. The training includes information regarding:
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements
- Social Security Administration (SSA) requirements
- Confidentiality and safeguarding requirements
- The Privacy Act
- Statutes governing the release of such data
- Penalties for unauthorized access to or unauthorized disclosure of such data
Hours of Operation
County social service offices must be open during regular business hours so individuals have access to services. In addition, Health Care Coverage requires that office hours be posted.
Access Log
The county social service office is required by the Internal Revenue Service (reference Publication 1075, Section 4.3.2) to have a visitor access log to limit access to restricted areas, secure rooms and locked containers containing federal tax information (FTI) to authorized personnel only.
The visitor access log must include the following:
- Name and organization of the visitor
- Signature of the visitor
Note: Visitors do not need to sign the visitors log if staff meets with the client in a visitor room outside of the secure work areas.
- Form of identification (i.e. driver’s license, passport, state issued ID card, birth certificate).
Note: If a visitor does not have identification, someone within the agency that knows the person may vouch for the person.
- Date of access
- Time of entry and departure
- Purpose of the visit
- Name and organization of the person visited
A log may be one sign in sheet or individual sign in sheets.
The visitor access log must be at the main entrance of the office area that contain FTI (i.e. eligibility workers offices, client case files, etc.) The visitor is to be escorted to and from their destination.
Each restricted area access log must be closed out at the end of each month and reviewed by a designee of the county director. The access log may be requested as part of the County Safeguard Reviews conducted annually by the State Agency.
Use of Authorized Access List
To facilitate the entry of employees who have a frequent and continuing need to enter a restricted area, but who are not assigned to the area, an authorized access list can be maintained so long as Minimum Protection Standards are enforced.
- Agency Employees (i.e. social work staff): The authorized access list must contain the following:
- Name of individual
- Agency or department name
- Name and phone number of agency point of contact (POC)
- Address of agency POC
- Purpose for access
The list must be updated at least annually or when employee access changes.
Vendors and Non-Agency Personnel Listing
Vendors and Non-Agency Personnel (i.e. Regional Representatives, Quality Control Reviewer, mail service, etc.): The list must contain the following information:
- Name of vendor/contractor/non-agency personnel
- Name and phone number of agency POC authorizing access
- Name and address of vendor point of contact
- Address of vendor/contractor
- Purpose and level of access
Vendors, contractors, and non-agency personnel list must be updated monthly.
Retention of the Visitor Log
The visitor log must be retained for one year.
Posting Restricted Area
The county social service office is required by the Internal Revenue Service (reference Publication 1075, Section 4.3) to prominently post and separate the restricted area where FTI is contained from non-restricted areas using physical barriers that control access (i.e. electronic access control, key access, door monitor).